Karma Yoga - By Donation
These are unprecedented times and I believe we're all trying to get through the chaos and uncertainty with as much grace as possible. While I'm personally experiencing many highs and lows and feeling the strain of job loss amidst the backdrop of a year of massive upheaval just prior to the covid-19 outbreak, I'm calling upon the past decade of my yoga, mindfulness, and meditation practice, as well as my ability to help others get through very difficult times. We need each other right now, and I believe it's so important to maintain community and connection and support one another in the ways we best know how.
For me, this is through my online yoga offerings. I have full-length practices and tutorials on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLz0Ya6zeGS2YTowq_ycU0w) that have always been free of charge, no membership required. Now that I'm without work and struggling to stay afloat, I'm kindly requesting donations in exchange for these offerings, as well as the new content I intend to provide through both YouTube and Instagram as regularly as possible. You can expect more guided meditation and shorter practices in the coming days/weeks, and I'm truly looking forward to connecting with you here.Also, I take requests and I love feedback - please reach out and let me know what would serve you best. I appreciate your support more than I can adequately express; it is very humbling to ask for help in this way, but I want you to know that I am so grateful for any support you're able to offer, both financial and energetically.
I love you. Be safe. We will get through this together.
(all offerings can be found through the Online Studio tab with links straight to my YouTube Channel)